Winter fish kills, due to lack of sufficient oxygen in the water, have periodically struck the Pickerel Chain, with earliest reports from the 1960s. The most recent event was in winter 2012-2013. In 2014, the PCLA installed a diffused air aeration system on Pickerel Lake. Diffused air and aspirating systems were installed on Little Pickerel Lake in 2017 and Smoke Lake in 2018. These systems are designed to create and maintain open water during the winter, allowing for atmospheric exchange of oxygen and should prevent fish kills and allow fish populations to recover.
Aerators are started when ice is thick enough to walk on. PCLA members install reflective fencing around the open water areas, and send out a notice every fall to lake property owners. Please avoid the open water areas when you are on the lake in the wintertime. Read more in our Open Water Warning Letter.
Contact us if you would like to help out with fencing or other aerator activities.
The aeration systems in each lake have multiple airlines and diffuser units that remain in place on the lake bottom year around. Keeping these facilities in the desired location is critical for the proper operation of each of these aerator systems. The airlines in each lake extend out from a single point on the shoreline to the diffuser units. The diffusers are spaced out at pre-determined distances to create one large open water area in each lake during the winter months when the aerator systems are in operation. Maintaining this spacing is important to maximize the effectiveness of the aerator system.
By knowing the general location of these facilities, you can prevent the accidental moving or damage of these airlines and diffusers from boat anchors. Dropping an anchor on one of the diffuser units could potentially damage it. Dragging or drifting with an anchor through the area where airlines are laid could result in snagging an airline and moving the airline and diffuser from its desired location. Pulling up an anchor that has snagged an airline can also prove to be difficult and challenging. Please be aware of these facilities when using the lakes and if you plan to anchor your boat for fishing or recreational purposes. If you do accidentally snag an airline, please contact us so we can be sure to inspect the systems in the fall and make any adjustments that may be necessary for maximum efficiency of the aerator systems.
Aerator Location on Pickerel Lake
The airlines and diffusers in Pickerel Lake are located out from the north shoreline and directly across the lake from the boat landing. They extend out into Pickerel Lake up to 350 feet from the shoreline.
Aerator Location on Smoke Lake
The airlines and diffusers in Smoke are located out from the east shoreline off of Red Fox Lane. They extend out into the lake up to 350 feet from the shoreline.
Aerator Location on Little Pickerel Lake
The airlines and diffusers in Little Pickerel Lake are located out from the northwest shoreline at the access trail. They extend out into the lake up to 350 feet from the shoreline.